Thursday. 7.13.17

Thursday. 7.13.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 pushups. 5 box jumps. 6 DB snatches. 2:00 of jump rope/double under practice. S: Ring Pushups. 3 sets of max reps (once you break from the rings or kneel on the ground, your set is completed). 3:00-4:00 rest between sets. Record total to board. C:...
Wednesday. 7.12.17

Wednesday. 7.12.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. WU: 400m run. Review movements. C: 8 rounds for time of: 400m run 9 T2B 6 Burpees THIS WORKOUT HAS A 40:00 CAP! Option 1: 6 T2B. Option 2: 9 T2B at sub of choice. Option 3: Subs of choice. Alternate between 200m run/walks and 400m run/walks....
Tuesday. 7.11.17

Tuesday. 7.11.17

MOB: Full body WU: 2 parking lots Sprints. Start slow and increase speed on the way back. 5 BB Push Press. 5 RKB swings. S: Push Press. 5×5@60% 1 RM. Rest EXACTLY 2:00 between sets. C: 8 rounds. Every 2 minutes perform the following: 10 Russian KB Swings 70/53...
Monday. 7.10.17

Monday. 7.10.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. WU: 5 BB front squats. 5 BB squat cleans. 5 Box jumps S: Perform the following complex EMOM for 10:00: 1 Squat Clean + 2 Ft. Squat at 65% of your Squat Clean 1RM C: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: Hang Cleans @50% of 1RM Box Jumps 24/20 (step downs...
#055. You, Mass Media and “Negativity Bias”

#055. You, Mass Media and “Negativity Bias”

The media can often seem to focus on “the negative”. Why is that? How can you stay positive in a negative landscape? How can you affect real change not just add to “the noise”? What are the pitfalls and trappings to avoid? So many questions...