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Anxiety can cripple you. It can have a deleterious effect on your family, your work and your purpose.
And the riddle is, most of it is self-imposed. So what can you do to snap yourself back to Awesome Town?
Jake and Craig (both of whom can suffer from depression and anxiety often) offer five ways to beat the downward spiral of Anxiety. Please let us know what you think in the comments!
Show Notes:
Box Breathing and Meditation Work with Mark Divine of Sealfit and Mike Bledsoe of Barbell Shrugged.
The Original Point Break Trailer. “Surfing’s the source…”
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Conviction Strong Radio (CSR) is about finding your balance across family, fitness and career.
The goal of CSR is to remain open-minded, tell stories and interview subject matter experts.
The focus is on giving you ways to improve your position or outlook on Life so that you may evolve into your most awesome and best self.
Remember, don’t text and drive! (Listen to this podcast and drive instead!)
Listen up, enjoy and give us feedback!