Jeff Ford is more than just a run coach. He’s an incredible man who is able to fit A LOT into his day and quite literally (as you’ll hear in this podcast), never sits down.
“Jeff Ford is the Fitness Director at Skyterra Wellness in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Lake Toxaway, North Carolina. In addition to his full time role at SkyTerra, Jeff is the Director of Training for Power Speed Endurance and runs the programming for PSE main site as well as trainer development. He operates a contributor blog devoted to sharing information with endurance athletes called Runjuryfree.” – from
Sounds busy, right? Jeff is also a personal friend of Craig and Jake’s.
Jeff drops by the podcast (during his gym equipment delivery for Skyterra no less!) to talk about the transition of CrossFit Endurance to Power Speed Endurance (PSE), why he writes the training program for PSE the way he does (and why it might be right for you), what inspires him, how he stays motivated, the rituals he uses to keep his day going full tilt and the best lesson his father ever taught him.
Grab a snack and a beverage and settle in for this super-interesting interview from an incredible contributor to the world’s awesome factor.
Conviction Strong Radio (CSR) is about finding your balance across family, fitness and career.
The goal of CSR is to remain open-minded, tell stories and interview subject matter experts.
The focus is on giving you ways to improve your position or outlook on Life so that you may evolve into your most awesome and best self.
Remember, don’t text and drive! (Listen to this podcast and drive instead!)
Listen up, enjoy and give us feedback!