MOB: Full body
WU: 200m run. 5 T2B. 5 Push Ups. 5 Ring Dips. 5 BB Strict Press.
S: Strict Press. 8-6-4-2-max reps.
Begin at 55% of your 1RM. Add weight as necessary. 2-3 minute rests between sets. Perform the final set of max reps at 55% of your 1RM.
C: For time:
15 Ring Dips
15 T2B
15 Push Ups
200m run
12 Ring Dips
12 T2B
12 Push Ups
200m run
9 Ring Dips
9 T2B
9 Push Ups
200m run
6 Ring Dips
6 T2B
6 Push Ups
200m run
3 Ring Dips
3 T2B
3 Push Ups
200m run
Option 1: 12-9-6-3 at rx’d
Option 2: Dip sub of choice.
Option 3: Subs of choice. Rep scheme of choice.
PWMOB: Lax ball in C/S/B/Forearms. Stretch hamstrings and triceps.
Advanced: Dips on high rings
Endurance: None