MOB: Dynamic mobility.
WU: 200m run. Review hang power clean and power snatch
S: Hang Power Clean. 6×2@80%. Rest 2:00 between sets.
C: 7 rounds. Every 2:00 perform the following:
5 Pwr Snatch 75/55
Parking Lot Sprint. (From the front door to the first white crosswalk line back past the light post)
Option 1: Weight of choice.
Option 2: Hang Power snatches at weight of choice.
Option 3: AMRAP in 12:00 of 5 power snatches + 200m run
PWMOB: Stretch hamstrings and hip flexors. Pigeon pose. Roll out calves. Lax ball in C/S/B/Forearms.
Advanced: 95/65
Endurance: None
Attitude Armor: None