MOB: Full body
WU: 5 BB Squats. 5 BB Cleans. 200m run (out slow, back fast)
S: Front Squats. 3 reps EMOM for 8:00 @70% of 1RM. :05 pause at bottom of squats.
C: 7 Rounds.
Every 2:00 perform the following:
5 Cleans 115/85*
Parking Lot Sprint**
*Cleans are lifters choice (muscle, power, squat)
**Sprints are from the front door to the first white line back through the last lamp post
Option 1: 95/65
Option 2: Weight of choice
Option 3: 5 rounds. Weight of choice.
PWMOB: Lax ball in C/S/B/Glutes/Forearms. Stretch hamstrings and hip flexors.
Advanced: Cleans at 155/105
Endurance: 95/65