Monday. 6.26.17

Monday. 6.26.17

MOB: Full body mobility WU: 5 BB front squats with :05 pause. 5 BB power cleans. 5 Dips. S: 2 Pause Ft. Squats @85% of your 1RM EMOM for 8:00. :05 pause at the bottom of your squat. C: 18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Pwr. Cleans 135/85 Ring Dips THIS WORKOUT HAS AN...
Saturday. 6.24.17

Saturday. 6.24.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. WU: Review movements C: AMRAP in 35:00 of: 400m run 15 Wallballs 20/14 30 Sit Ups Option 1: 10 wallballs at rx’d. 20 sit-ups. Option 2: Weight of choice Option 3: Weights and subs of choice PWMOB: Full body rollout. Advanced: None...
Friday. 6.23.17

Friday. 6.23.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Run 400m. Review The Bear Complex. Pick starting weight. CI: 10 EMOM 2 Cycles of the Bear Complex. The Bear Complex is: 1 Pwr Clean +1 Ft. Squat + 1 Push Press + 1 Back Squat + 1 Behind the neck Push Press. The bar does not rest on the ground...
Thursday. 6.22.17

Thursday. 6.22.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review T2B and snatch quickly. 5 T2B. Warmup to Isabel weight. CI: T2B. 5 reps EMOM for 10:00. Recover for 7:00. CII: “Isabel” 30 snatches for time 135/95 THIS WORKOUT HAS A 10:00 CAP! Option 1: 3 T2B. 115/75. Option 2: 2 T2B + 3 knees...
Wednesday. 6.21.17

Wednesday. 6.21.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. Review movements. C: For Time: 1 Mile Run 10 Rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups. 10 pushups. 15 air squats) 1 MIle Run THIS WORKOUT HAS A 40:00 CAP. Option 1: 7 rounds of Cindy. Option 2: 10 rounds of Cindy at subs of choice. Option 3: 800m run/walk or...
Tuesday. 6.20.17

Tuesday. 6.20.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: 5 AKB swings. 10 situps. 3 rounds of :30 of jump rope/DU practice/ :30 of rest Conditioning I: AKB swings. 15 swings EMOM for 10:00. 53/35 Rest 7:00. Conditioning II: “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Double Unders Situps...