Saturday. 4.1.17

Saturday. 4.1.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Review movements C: In teams of 2! For time and max reps: Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Med Ball Goblet Squats 20/14 switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Burpees switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run...
Friday. 3.31.17

Friday. 3.31.17

MOB: Full body. WU: 5 BB Deadlifts. 5 BB Power Cleans. Warmup to weight for workout. C: Using 85% of your Power Clean 1RM perform the following: At 0:00: 6 Deadlifts At 2:00: 3 Power Cleans At 4:00: 6 Deadlifts At 6:00: 3 Power Cleans At 8:00: 6 Deadlifts At 10:00: 3...
Thursday. 3.30.17

Thursday. 3.30.17

MOB: Full body WU: 3 rounds :30 of jump rope/double under practice/ :30 of rest. Review Movements. S: Tabata Pull Ups. 8 Rounds :20 work/:10 rest C:Running “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 DU’s Sit Ups* *After completing each set of double unders + sit-ups,...
Wednesday. 3.29.17

Wednesday. 3.29.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. Find your squat weight. For Time: 20 Back Squats @ 50% 1rm 2 Mile Run 20 Back Squats@ 50% arm Barbell shall be taken from the ground. Option 1: 40% Option 2: Weight of choice Option 3: Weight of choice. 1.5 mile run/walk or 3200m row....
Tuesday. 3.28.17

Tuesday. 3.28.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility WU: 800m run. Review movements CI: EMOM for 10:00 of: 5 hang KB Snatch per arm 53/35 rest 4 minutes CII: EMOM for 10:00 of: 10 Burpees Option 1: Weight of choice. Option 2: Weight of choice. 7 burpees. Option 3: Weight of choice. Squat thrusts...
Monday. 3.27.17

Monday. 3.27.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Curtis P’s. 200m run. Find weight for workout. C: AMRAP in 20:00 of 200m run 2 Curtis P’s 135/95 200m run 4 Curtis P’s 200m run 6 Curtis P’s 200m run 8,10,12,14… etc. How far can you get? Option 1: 115/75 Option 2:...