by Craig Hysell
A trend is rising. It is disturbing me. I have miscommunicated my intentions. We need to lop the head of this ugly monster.
The goal of the CTF Intramural Open is to have a BLAST as a community, not worrying about winning things or performing to some crazy, scary, high standard you have set for yourself in your mind. If you can workout here, you can do The CTF Intramural Open!

Here are the Top 5 Reasons YOU (YES YOU!) CAN Do The CTF Intramural Open:
Excuse #1: I can’t workout on Friday evenings. That may be true, but you can still be a part of YOUR INTRAMURAL TEAM! Set up a time with a teammate or CTF coach anytime on Friday, Saturday or Monday to complete your workout, get judged and earn your team a point.
Excuse #2: I don’t know what Level to do? This is easy. What level do you normally do in class? Level 1 and above, go prescribed. Level 2, do scaled. Level 3, do beginner. If you can live through our workouts each day (not so surprisingly, all of you do this, AND YOU CONTINUE TO GET AWESOMER!), you can do The CTF Intramural Open!
Excuse #3: I might not be able to do all the movements. Boy I can relate to this one. Here’s a secret: me neither. But I still want to party with my friends and compete with my buds. How I do, is not about crushing every movement that pops up. Not at all! It’s about what I’ll take away from the experience. And if I get to a point that I can’t do something, I’m going to stop. I will use this as a snapshot for my progress next year. I do not worry about it. I’m in it for the friends and enjoyment of The Process, you should be too! I want you in there with me!
Excuse #4: I’m afraid and I’m trying to find other excuses not to do this so nobody can tell I’m afraid. Everybody gets scared. Even me. But you will surprise yourself. You will find more about yourself in the month of March than you have all last year. Think about THAT for a moment. I have never not cared about you. I have never not put you in a position where you can learn and succeed. GO. DO this!
Excuse #5: I don’t know where to sign up. Easy!
1. Refer back to Excuse #2 for guidance on choosing a division.
2. Here’s where to register:
– Playing just for fun? CLICK HERE to register with CTF ONLY
– Playing to be internationally competitive in Scaled or Rx divisions? CLICK HERE to register at the CrossFit Games site. ***BE SURE TO CHOOSE YOUR AFFILIATE: CrossFit Hilton Head
Do your best. Live without fear. Be there for others.
In the end, you will have lived well. SIGN UP!