MOB: Full body mobility.
WU: 10 Wallballs. 10 BB Deadlifts. 5 BB Bent Over rows.
Warmup to deadlift/bent over row weight.
For time:
Buy In: 50 Wallballs 20/14
4 rounds of:
20 Deadlifts 135/95
5 Bent Over Rows 135/95
Cash Out: 50 Wallballs
THIS WORKOUT HAS A 25:00 CAP. Athlete gets only one barbell.
Option 1: 35 wallballs at rx’d weight.
Option 2: Rx’d rep scheme at weight of choice
Option 3: Weights and subs of choice.
PWMOB: Stretch hamstrings and hip flexors. PVC roller in lats, quadriceps and triceps.
Advanced: 185/135
Endurance: 115/75